
Over the course of 18 hours on August 2-3, Boeing test pilots took N7874 39,000 feet above the United States to perform ETOPS testing on the new Rolls Royce Trent 1000 TEN, which will power the 787-10. Not content to just fly around in circles, they made things a bit more interesting with a giant 787 in the sky.   (by Flyradar24)

(影片/https://youtu.be/tS7iPBV9D68) The Boeing Company真的是很猛!在測試787 ETOPS 的航程中乾脆直接在空中畫一個787❤️ 話說,什麼是ETOPS 呢? 波音(Boeing)跟空巴(Airbus)針對他們所製造的雙引擎噴射機都會做ETOPS的試驗,確保航機的安全,因為在以前,執行長程飛行的飛機,都有至少三顆甚至像我們的空中女王-747一樣有四顆引擎,即使一顆引擎失效,至少還有兩顆或三顆引擎可以用來執行飛行。 所以,當工程師喊出雙引擎可以越洋的時候,想必大家應該都很驚訝吧!更別說,要是一顆引擎壞了,只剩一顆,風險不就很大….! 所以,廠商為了證明他們所製造引擎是很可靠的,即使只有一顆引擎,飛機也能執行勤務,便展開了這項試驗,也發展出之後的ETOPS operaion😊

跟著Emily長知識 Etops(Extended-range Twin-engine Operational Performance Standards/雙渦輪引擎延展航程作業標準)

  • ETOPS定義:

ETOPS applies to twins on routes with diversion time more than 60 minutes at one engine inoperative speed.(ICAO) ETOPS 作業係指一航路之作業,其航路中包含有一點,距一適當 (Adequate)機場之距離,以核准之單引擎故障巡航速度(於標準大氣狀 況及靜風下)飛行逾 1 小時以上。(CAA/民航局)


  • 什麼時候用ETOPS呢?

航路中包含有一點,距一適當 (Adequate)機場之距離,以核准之單引擎故障巡航速度(於標準大氣狀 況及靜風下)飛行逾 1 小時以上的時候。


  • 誰適用etops呢?

ETOPS初始就是設計給雙引擎的,所以,是雙引擎的噴射機都適用哦! 不過後來,美國FAA把這個規範也廣泛使用在多引擎的飛機上。

…… the meaning was changed by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) when regulations were broadened to include aircraft with more than two engines. It refers to the standards and recommended practices (SARPS) issued by ICAO for aircraft (such as the Airbus A300, A310, A320, A330 and A350, the Boeing 737, 757, 767, 777, 787, the Embraer E-Jets, and the ATR 72) to fly long-distance routes that had been off-limits to twin-engined aircraft, and subsequently to extended range operations of four-engined aircraft (such as the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental). (By Wiki)

但以台灣來說,要執行ETOPS的機種必須事先跟民航局申請,得到許可,才可以執行。 這次剛好藉由這個影片,以一個簽派員的角度來跟大家分享ETOPS,Emily自己也順便複習一下這方面的知識!希望大家有受益喔~ (首圖/By Vladsinger – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=58730562)

快點來追蹤 Emily 的粉絲專頁喔!